Adventures Uncategorized

Behold the glory of Roosevelt the Raccoon

Whenever I’m traveling, I enjoy stopping at local haunts to see what they have to offer. And sometimes, I find things such as this:


This is apparently a raccoon, based on the fact that, as I was taking this picture, a guy in a truck pulled up and said, “You taking a picture of the coon? It’s about 40 years old.”

It was outside of a produce stand/bait store just outside of Barnwell, SC. I have named him Roosevelt, as that seemed appropriate. My wife and I are currently at loggerheads as to whether or not Roosevelt should be our dining room centerpiece. I think the point is probably moot, because a piece of art such as this is, more than likely, not for sale. But I think we can all agree – Roosevelt is a true piece of Americana.


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