
The cart war wages on

I knew there would be a lot of changes when I moved my family to a new city.

New schools. New job. Learning my way around. But it’s nice to know that, wherever you go, you can always guarantee one discomfort of home: people not returning their shopping carts.

Adventures Animals

Battling the man-eating beast of the deep

This terrifying monster could have eaten us all in one bite had he wanted to.
This terrifying monster could have eaten us all in one bite had he wanted to.

It’s an amazing fact that I am able to write this column after the Old Man and the Sea battle I have waged with a shark that can only be described as school bus size.

Childhood Family

Behold the siren song

So I was sitting at a restaurant recently with my family when I heard the blare of a siren.

Naturally, I did what any person would do and began looking around wildly for my chance to rubberneck. Ambulance? Fire truck? Police and a live performance of “Cops!”? Oh the possibilities!

Childhood Family Uncategorized

Take me out to the ball game…

Parker and his freshly retrieved foul ball.
Parker and his freshly retrieved foul ball.

Yes, baseball is America’s pastime, despite the fact that it currently lags in popularity behind about eight other sports, reality TV shows and yoga.