
The slow march of the extreme couponer

I am all for folks saving money with coupons. Big fan. Do it myself on occasion.
Every once in a while I will throw down a coupon for a dollar off some choice lunch meat or perhaps, if I am feeling crazy, laundry detergent.


Story Time with a big ol’ head wound

It’s really a pretty standard mantra of my life, as I am sure it is for you: Before reading to a group of kids, make your best effort to conceal your fresh head wounds.

Just me? OK, then.

This latest turn of fun occurred when I was heading to read to a group of kids at Story Time at Hopelands. I have read several times over the past few years and always have a good time engaging the kids and, hopefully, instilling a love of books at an early age.

Adventures Family

Guinness World Record, here we come!

Waiting our turns at Knock Out. World record, here we come!
Waiting our turns at Knock Out. World record, here we come!

I suppose the world will just have to treat me a little more special now that I can introduce myself as “Mike Gibbons, Guinness World Record Holder.”