
Keep your eye on the dragon

I think if there is one simple thing we can all take away from a family reunion it’s that you should make sure the dragon is not alive.

Now, before you assume I have completely lost my marbles, I assure you there is a point to this.

Home improvement

Farewell, Sybil. And welcome, Sybil II

She fought the good fight. But in the end, the ravages of time took their toll and, despite years as a noble warrior, we had to put Sybil down. Yes, our automatic pool cleaner finally bit the dust.

We had Sybil since we bought our home 12 years ago. And she was an old, broken down mess then.

Adventures Uncategorized

Behold the glory of Roosevelt the Raccoon

Whenever I’m traveling, I enjoy stopping at local haunts to see what they have to offer. And sometimes, I find things such as this:


This is apparently a raccoon, based on the fact that, as I was taking this picture, a guy in a truck pulled up and said, “You taking a picture of the coon? It’s about 40 years old.”

Childhood Family

You’re never too old to enjoy summer

Ah, summer. That time when we were kids when the days were endless, the adventures were everywhere, and the sunburns and mosquito bites were aplenty.

When we become adults, however, summer’s magic seems to have gone away. Most of us still work during the summer. Teachers who have the summer off still have their grown-up responsibilities to tend to. Summer, for adults, just becomes another season in the grind, albeit an exceptionally hot one.

Adventures Childhood Family

How to be the Supreme Emperor of Awesome

Sam, left, and Nick take a break from the scavenger hunt because they are, quite frankly, exhausting.
Sam, left, and Nick take a break from the scavenger hunt because they are, quite frankly, exhausting.

Small spaces are a little boy’s enemy.